Understanding the My Inventory Page

The "My Inventory Page" in Resto iQ offers users a detailed overview of the business's inventory section. Together with other modules of Resto iQ Inventory, businesses can stay up-to-date and on-point with inventory management.



How to Access and Navigation

To access, go to Inventory > My Inventory. This will display this webpage including the main toggles and the main window. To change the view of the main table, just simply choose between the My Inventory, Inventory Categories, and Units (units of measure).


  1. Inventory
    The main table will show all inventory items including:
    - Raw Materials,
    - Semi-finished Goods
    - Finished Goods
    - Other Inventory

    Users may also inspect, modify, or delete items in this view. This can be performed by clicking the three-vertical dots under the Actions column.


    Search: to locate a particular inventory item whether raw material, semi-finished, finished-goods, or "other inventory".

    Add Inventory: to create a new inventory item. Click here to find another quick reference guide on how to create a new inventory. How to Setup Inventory Items on Resto iQ – Mosaic Help Center (mosaic-solutions.com)

    Add Actual Inventory Count: this feature allows users to report the actual inventory count of an item. This versatile feature can adapt to an organization whether it's created in the beginning stage of the inventory process, or as a "day-end" or an ending count for a period of time.

    To use, either use the SKU or Inventory Name search boxes to recall existing items already configured in your Resto iQ Inventory. Wait for the item to be displayed, the page will automatically recall its details. All the user needs to input is the count (see image below).

    In this instance, the user conducted a search for "apple" in the Inventory Name field. It is observed that the SKU and Unit of Measure are automatically populated according to their predefined configuration.

    Export: this allows the user to export the content of the main table onto a Microsoft Excel file (.xls file format).

  2. Inventory Categories

    This is the view upon selecting inventory categories. In this example, the business only has two Categories: "Beverage" and "Food". The table will display its subcategories (if any), type, total inventories, and actions (View/Modify/Delete).

    Unique Function: Add Category

    QRG: How to Setup Product Categories in Resto iQ – Mosaic Help Center (mosaic-solutions.com)

    Adding new categories are usually done upon setup, however if there's a need to create additional categories and/or sub-categories, this feature is always available.

  3. Units

    Units (short for "Units of Measurement") is where users define any "UOM" the business is using for all of its inventory items. Examples are (but are not limited to) the following:
    - Boxes
    - Crates
    - Bottles
    - Trays
    - Kilograms
    - Liters

    Understanding the conversion is crucial due to the differences in the Unit of Measure (UOM) when ordering and using items; therefore, defining these conversions is essential. Example:
    - UOM upon purchasing for item "Egg": trays
    - UOM upon using/creating products: "pieces".
    - Conversion example: 1 tray = 24 pieces

    In this example (below), we will create these two UOMs.

    Step-by-Step: Adding New Units

    2. Click "New Unit".

    3. Click the "Name" field and type "Tray"

    4. Click the "Alias" field and type "Tray".

    5. Click "Create"

    Creating "Pieces" or "Pcs"

    1. Click "New Unit".

    2. Click the "Name" field and type "Pieces".


    3. Click the "Alias" field and type "Pcs"


    4. Click "Create"


Now that the Inventory Item and UOM has been configured, Resto iQ will now use this information whenever these items are called in various modules.

Resto iQ operates by recalling items based on how these were pre-configured. This is to avoid in-line operational errors caused by changes in spelling/terminology/UOM/etc.



Brief Guide on YouTube: