Understanding My Supplies in Resto iQ.

My supplies is the 2nd toggle in the Transfer Demand submodule. It allows the user to view the supplies sent to different locations.

My Supplies is the 2nd of 3 toggles in the Transfer Demand submodule of Resto iQ. It allows the user to view the supplies sent to different locations. This is the opposite of My Receipts, where users view what has been received from other branches.


How to Navigate

It can be accessed by going to Inventory > Transfer demand > My Supplies (on top).

Users are also provided with the following information:

  • Supply No. and Demand No.
    These are the reference numbers/codes for the transfer demand transaction.

  • Sent Date and Received Date
    When the items requested were shipped out by the supplying branch.
    When the items requested were successfully received by the receiving branch.

  • From Location and To Location
    To/from the items were shipped to/supplied from, respectively.

  • Status
    Current status of the transfer demand. This is updated in real-time. The moment it has been received; it will be updated. Should you encounter any delay, try refreshing your internet browser.

  • Actions
    Will display the actions available for the line-item. Usually just "View".



Features: Switch (Demand/Demand Items)

The switch feature allows the user to change the perspective of the table. This allows Resto iQ to be versatile to any user of an organization. From Territory Managers to CEO, there's an option for every user.

  • Switching to Demand Items

    The information on the table will mostly be centered around the items, more than the transaction details.

  • Switching to Demand

    The information on the table will mostly be centered around the transaction and won't display the inventory items included.



Feature: Export and Filtering

  • Export
    Allows the user to export and download a Microsoft Excel file (.xls format) and give the user the ability to manipulate the data outside the platform. Useful for reporting or presentations.

  • Filter

    Useful for when the table is already filled with multiple pages of transactions, users may filter information on the table to aid in locating a particular query.