Setting Up Roles and Permissions

Setting Up Roles and Permissions are performed in the Account Management module of the POS Back Office.

Kindly Watch the video or follow the step by step guide below.


1. Log in to the POS Back end using your account. 

2. On the Main Navigations, under the Account Setup menu, click on “Roles & Permissions”.


3. To add a Permission, click on “Add Permissions” Button.


4. A new window will open. Fill out all the fields such as Account, Location and Role.

Note: Under the Permission, you can select which permission/s will be applicable to the specific role.

Note: The tickboxes are permissions you would assign to that specific role. While there are standard practices and usual assignments, you are free to customize depending on your business operations.


5. Click on “Save” button to save.

6. To edit a Permission, click on the “Edit” icon of the specific permission you want to update.

7. A new window will open. Do the necessary updates.


8. Click on “Update” button to save the changes.


9. To delete a Permission, click on the “Delete” icon of the specific permission you want to delete.

Note: Please seek assistance for the Support team before doing any deletion.