To add actual inventory counts, users must go to Inventory > My Inventory > Add Actual Inventory Count.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to add an actual inventory count in Resto iQ. It includes details on how to navigate to the inventory section, select the appropriate location and date, search for inventory items, enter the actual count, and create the count. Following this guide will help users accurately track their inventory in Resto iQ.
1. Navigate to
2. Click Inventory.
3. Select "My inventory"
4. Click "Add Actual Inventory Count".
5. Select the location where the actual inventory count will be applied.
6. Select the date of actual count. Default = select the current date.
7. Click "Add Item".
8. Select either SKU or Inventory Name to search for a preconfigured inventory item. If the item is not present, then the item is most probably not yet configured/setup.
Also, using the SKU textbox will search for all configured SKUs. So searching for inventory names in SKUs (or vice versa) may not yield preferrable results.
9. In this example, we have searched for "apple" and we will select the result "apple" from the dropdown results.
10. Next is to enter the actual count based on the weight/unit of measure. The UOM displayed is based on how the inventory item was created and its default UOM.
11. When done, click "Create".
You have successfully inputed an actual inventory count.