Generate Daily Sales Summary Report in Resto iQ Analytics

To generate a daily sales summary report, users will need to click to expand the Gross Sales value card an export the data relevant to the query.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to generate a daily sales summary report in Resto iQ Analytics. It explains how to navigate to the relevant section, select the desired value card, and download the report in Excel format. Viewing this guide will help users easily access and analyze their daily sales data for better business insights.


1. Navigate and login to Resto iQ

2. Click "Analytics"



3. Click "Sales and transactions"



4. Select the "Gross Sales" value card to display more relevant details.



5. Scroll down until you see "Daily Sales Summary"




Optional: Download an Excel File

6. Click the Three Vertical Dots button on the top-right of the table.



7. Hover over "Download", and select which file format is most useful for your needs.



8. In this example we will select Excel File.



9. The file should download to your computer and resemble the provided example. Downloading files for offline use is beneficial when you need to work with data tables in a different platform or application, like Microsoft Excel.