Deep Dive into Total Items Sold

Total Items Sold gives the user a detailed view of the quantity of the items sold for a given date range. Similar to other parts of Resto iQ Analytics, these are also affected by controlling the filters.


Total Items Sold is found under Resto iQ Analytics > Products.



Products Revenue vs Quantity

This is one of the first three KMVC (Key Metric Value Cards) found on the Products section of Resto iQ. Click this to expand the card.


Top 10 Menu Items

One of the main objectives for users entering this card is seeing the menu items sold in a descending (Top 10) order, ranking each item based on items sold for the period selected.



Total Sold and Revenue (in ₱)

This shows the user the relationship between items sold and revenue generated. Giving another angle to profitability.



Daily and Monthly Product Mix

The last section of this is the Product Mix (PMIX) for Resto iQ. Users may check this to find out the following information:

  1. Product Price
  2. Modifier Price
  3. Total Prices Less VAT
  4. Product QTY
  5. Voided QTY
  6. Net Sales
  7. Computed VAT
  8. Discount Amount
  9. Gross Sales