One of the key factors in ensuring strong business performance is reducing cost, and Resto iQ shows its users many different angles as to the relationship of Cost of Goods Sold to other key metrics.
One of the key factors in ensuring strong business performance is reducing cost, and Resto iQ shows its users many different angles as to the relationship of Cost of Goods Sold to other key metrics.
Cost of Goods Sold is found by going to Resto iQ > Analytics > Products > Cost of Goods Sold.
Gross Sales vs COGS MoM (Month-on-Month)
Here's the first card you will see upon expanding the COGS is the relationship between the Gross Sales and the Month-on-Month COGS. On the left Y-axis (vertical) is the Gross Sales; while on the other side is the %Margin. Down below on the X-axis (horizontal) is the Month and the last 2 digits of the year (2023 = 23).
Menu Items (Product Sold, Ingredient Cost, and COGS)
A table showing the quantity sold, ingredient cost, and COGS. While Ingredient Cost and COGS may almost similar, there may be other cost items that are included in COGS that are not simply just the ingredients.
Prep Details (QTY Sold, Ing. Cost, COGS)
Prep Details will show configured finished goods and its QTY Sold, Ing. Cost, and Total COGS.
Ingredient Details
These will show all configured finished goods, semi-finished goods, raw materials (if any) and display the Product Sold, Ingredient Cost and Total COGS.
Using the Sort Order Button
Users may use these options to sort the table in either an Ascending or Descending order.