Mark items as complimentary to zero out product and modifier price
- Set up a Complimentary Discount
- Set up a Complimentary Payment Type
Setting Up the Complimentary Discount
- Log in to Back Office using at least Store Admin user
- Go to General Settings then Discounts
- Click "Add Discount" to add a discount
- Discount Name should be "Complimentary"
- Select the Brands
- Discount Type and Rate should be "Percentage" and "100" respectively
- Select Start Date
- Check "Has Customer Details?" if you want to require Customer First Name, Last Name and Reference Number
- Check "Require Passcode?" if you want to require Manager's approval when applying the Complimentary Discount
- Click Save to save it
Setting up Complimentary Payment
- Proceed to Payment Type creation. Go to General Settings then Payment Types
- Click Add Type to add a new payment type
- Payment Type Name should be "Complimentary"
- Type should be "Complimentary"
- Payment Category should be "Complimentary" as well
- Select the Brands and Receipt Print Quantity to finish the set up
- Click Add to save it. It's now ready on POS side.
Applying Complimentary Discount and Payment on the POS
- Log in on the POS.
- Proceed to order placement.
- Apply the complimentary discount using either:
- Line Item Discount, or
- Bill Discount.
If only one item is complementary, use Line-Item Discount
- Click the item, then click Actions.
- Select Discount Item.
- Look for the 100% Complimentary Discount, click it, then fill out the first name, last name, and ID.
- Click Confirm to apply the discount.
- A manager must enter their PIN to authorize the discount.
Note: The complimentary discount will appear on the line item and order summary. Total or amount due will be 0.00.
If the whole bill is complimentary, use Bill Discount
- To apply a complimentary discount to the whole order, click Discounts after the order is placed.
- Look for the 100% Complimentary Discount, click it, then fill out the first name, last name, and ID.
- Click Apply Discount to confirm.
- A manager must enter their PIN to authorize the discount.
- Click Bill to finalize the order.
Note: The complimentary discount will appear in the order summary. The total or amount due will be 0.00.
Settling the complimentary transaction
- Click Payment to select the payment type.
- Choose Complimentary as the payment type.
- Click Add Payment.
- Click Print to enable the print button, enter customer details if needed, and print the sales invoice.