Complimentary Items (Free of Charge)

Mark items as complimentary to zero out product and modifier price​


  • Set up a Complimentary Discount​
  • Set up a Complimentary Payment Type​

Setting Up the Complimentary Discount

  1. Log in to Back Office using at least Store Admin user​
  2. Go to General Settings then Discounts
  3. Click "Add Discount" to add a discount​
  4. Discount Name should be "Complimentary" A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated
  5. Select the Brands
  6. Discount Type and Rate should be "Percentage" and "100" respectively
  7. Select Start Date
  8. Check "Has Customer Details?" if you want to require Customer First Name, Last Name and Reference Number
  9. Check "Require Passcode?" if you want to require Manager's approval when applying the Complimentary Discount
  10. Click Save to save it


Setting up Complimentary Payment

  1. Proceed to Payment Type creation. Go to General Settings then Payment Types
  2. Click Add Type to add a new payment type
  3. Payment Type Name should be "Complimentary"
  4. Type should be "Complimentary"
  5. Payment Category should be "Complimentary" as well
  6. Select the Brands and Receipt Print Quantity to finish the set up
  7. Click Add to save it. It's now ready on POS side.

Applying Complimentary Discount and Payment on the POS 

  1. ​Log in on the POS.
  2. Proceed to order placement.
  3. Apply the complimentary discount using either:
    • Line Item Discount, or
    • Bill Discount.

If only one item is complementary, use Line-Item Discount

  1. Click the item, then click Actions.
  2. Select Discount Item.
  3. Look for the 100% Complimentary Discount, click it, then fill out the first name, last name, and ID.
  4. Click Confirm to apply the discount.
  5. A manager must enter their PIN to authorize the discount.

Note: The complimentary discount will appear on the line item and order summary. Total or amount due will be 0.00.


If the whole bill is complimentary, use Bill Discount

  1. To apply a complimentary discount to the whole order, click Discounts after the order is placed.
  2. Look for the 100% Complimentary Discount, click it, then fill out the first name, last name, and ID.
  3. Click Apply Discount to confirm.
  4. A manager must enter their PIN to authorize the discount.
  5. Click Bill to finalize the order.

Note: The complimentary discount will appear in the order summary. The total or amount due will be 0.00.


Settling the complimentary transaction

    1. Click Payment to select the payment type.
    2. Choose Complimentary as the payment type.
    3. Click Add Payment.
    4. Click Print to enable the print button, enter customer details if needed, and print the sales invoice.