Adding or Updating Users

Thank you for your interest in our Product. 

Kindly Watch the video or follow the step by step guide below.


1. Log in to the POS Back end using your account. 

2. On the Main Navigations, click on “Account Setup”.


3. Click on “User Management”.


4. To add a User, click on “Add Users” Button.


5. A new window will open. Fill out all the fields.


Note: You can also assign the User Type for this specific user.


6. Click on “Add” button to save.


7. To edit a User, click on the “Edit” icon of the specific user you want to update.


8. A new window will open. Do the necessary updates.


9. Click on “Update” button to save the changes.



10. To delete a User, click on the “Delete” icon of the specific user you want to delete.



Commonly practiced:

Admin - this "role" is able to view the Back Office and the Front End.

Manager - similar with Cashiers, this role is only limited to the Front End (no Back Office access), but can approve transactions such as discounts and voids.

Cashier - can take orders and settle transactions

Waitstaff - limited to taking orders only.