Adding New Roles in RestoIQ

To add new roles, users need to use the Client Onboarding module found on the left navigation pane.


This guide is essential for users of RestoIQ who need to create and manage user roles effectively within the platform. It provides a step-by-step process to set up new roles, assign permissions, and invite users, ensuring that each role has the appropriate access to features and data. By following this guide, users can customize their organizational structure, enhancing operational efficiency and security. Overall, it simplifies the onboarding process for new users while maintaining control over access levels within the system.


1. Navigate and login to

2. Select "Client onboarding".



3. Click "Set up organization".



4. Click "Skip this step" (1/3)



5. Click "Skip this step" (2/3).



6. Click "Skip this step" (3/3).



7. Select "Add another role".



8. Enter the role name onto this text field.



9. Assign this new role to a brand.



10. Click "Brand A".



11. Assign this role to the brand's location.



12. Now select the features/modules that this role will have access to. In this example, we are providing access to home dashboard and Analytics.


Tip: Users may opt to granularly assign permissions to the role by selecting individual checkboxes.



13. Click "Next" when ready.



14. Result: "New Role" is now listed immediately.



15. Click "Next".



16. Now we have to assign the role to our user. This is also identical to how to invite new users to Resto iQ.



17. Search/Select the role currently being assigned to the new user.



18. Select the brand that this role and user will have access to.



19. Select the location that this role and user will have access to.



20. Enter the email address of the user to be invited.



21. Click "Add". If there are multiple email addresses, you may add more email addresses.



22. Click "Send Invitation".



23. Resto iQ will apply your configuration/s and invite the user/s.



24. Confirmation: you will see this once the configuration and invitations are completed.