Price contracts in Resto iQ serves as a tool to document agreements between the restaurant and the supplier/s. This allows users (subsequently Resto iQ as well) to recall previously negotiated prices that may be forgotten considering multiple suppliers of potentially similar items.
Important: this is not the module where users assign the price of the menu-items. Instead, this is exclusively for contracts and agreements between restaurants and suppliers.
Adding Contracts
Adding price contracts in Resto iQ is quick and simple. Users only need to enter the following information:
- Supplier - enter the supplier name. Resto iQ will recall all pre-configured suppliers.
- From/to date - enter the date range of the contract.
- Item pricing
- Item Name - name of item. Resto iQ will recall all pre-configured items in Resto iQ.
- Contract Price - agreed upon price in ₱
- UOM (unit of measure) - example: kg, mL, L, grams, trays, cases, etc.