Overview - Approval Matrix
1. Document Type: Different purchasing documents (e.g., Purchase Order, Purchase Request, Demand, Supply) that require approval.
2. Value From / Value Up To: Defines the monetary range for which approval is needed.
3. Role: Indicates which roles (e.g., admin, marketing admin, officer) are responsible for approving documents within the specified value range.
4. Actions: Provides options to edit or modify the approval workflow for each document type.
Assigning Roles
To utilize the approval matrix properly, roles and users must have been preconfigured already (this is usually completed during the onboarding process by Mosaic Solutions, but additional updates must be made by the user's organization).
Adding a default approver
Upon clicking "Add default approver", this window will appear. The main objective of this window is to authorize a role to become an approver of the document type.
Adding a new approver
The difference between adding a new approver and a default approver is:
- Default - Resto iQ will take this as the default approver when it comes to the configured document type.
- New - Resto iQ will take this approver as a new addition to the approver list wherein he/she may be assigned to approve a different document type or value range.
Editing/modifying an existing role
Found under the Actions column is the ⋮ also known as an "elipsis" or commonly, "three-vertical dots". This button will show these actions available per role.
- Modify - update any configuration of this role
- Delete - delete this role permanently.