Resto iQ offers multi-unit capabilities for each inventory item, allowing for various units of measurement. Take "Flour" as an example: purchasing officers order it by the sack, the kitchen measures it in grams, and management prefers to view reports in kilograms.
How to Access
Users can go to Inventory > My Inventory > Add Inventory. Upon clicking "Add Inventory", scroll down and you will see "Units".
All units must be preconfigured before performing this step. This is achieved by going to Inventory > My Inventory > Units.
Stock Unit
This is the primary unit of measurement which will be used by Resto iQ unless otherwise stated/labeled. Commonly, this will be found in inventory reports and in inventory item lists. In this example, it is "Kilogram". -
Recipe Unit
This is the unit of measurement Resto iQ will use when the inventory item is being used for creating sub-recipes or finished goods. In this example, the UoM is "gram". This is because when the kitchen uses the Flour, they measure in grams.
Purchase Unit
This is the unit of measurement Resto iQ will use when the inventory item is purchased from suppliers (via the Purchasing module). In this example, despite having a stock and recipe unit, the purchasing department/officers order Flour not in kilograms or grams, but in Sacks; this is perhaps because the supplier delivers the good in sacks. In this example, we have entered "sack" for the purchase unit, and the proper conversion of 1 sack = 50 kilograms.
Featured QRG: How to Add Units of Measurement (UOM) in Resto iQ – Mosaic Help Center (mosaic-solutions.com)