This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to add customer details to an official receipt or sales invoice. It explains the process of entering payment information, adding customer details, and printing the receipt. It also includes optional steps on how to check and confirm the details. Viewing this guide will help individuals understand and follow the procedure for accurately recording customer information for transactions.
Adding Customer Details
1. Let us proceed with our Standard Procedure on settling transactions. At the latter part of this, we will be able to add the customer details. Click "BILL" to display "PAYMENT"
2. Click "PAYMENT" to start entering the payment method of your customer.
3. In this example, we will select the Cash payment type.
4. Then use "Exact" quick payment button to simulate an exact payment made by the customer.
5. Click "Add Payment".
6. Click "PRINT" to start adding customer details and to settle the transaction.
7. Request for the following details from your customer and input them here.
8. The Manual Sales Invoice # (previously known as Manual Official Receipt No.) is optional. This can be maximized if the customer insists on getting a manual SI instead of a printout. When this happens, the cashier must get the printout for documentation and issue the manual SI in return.
9. "Confirm" to ensure saving it and including it in the printout. The details will be saved in Mosaic POS Back Office.
"Skip" if you want to skip this step.
(Optional) How to Check / Confirm
10. Click Settings (gear icon)
11. On the right side, click "Bill".
12. Locate the transaction you've just added the customer details to, and click "VIEW"
13. Click "MANUAL SI"
14. You will see the information you've just added here..
15. To exit, just click confirm and enter request for an authorization from your onsite manager/supervisor.
Alert: Authorization is required because viewing the manual SI (after the transaction) allows the cashier to edit it as well. Hence, the authorization, to make sure data integrity.
16. Click "Close".
You have successfully added and viewed the customer details of a transaction.