This guide provides simple steps for modifying the quantity of items in a transaction. It explains two methods: using the line-item buttons or repeatedly clicking the menu item. It also emphasizes the importance of checking the quantity before proceeding with the transaction. By following this guide, users can easily adjust the quantity of items and complete their order.
1. Modifying the quantity of items can be done by either clicking the line-item or repeatedly clicking the menu-item from the menu. Let's explore this.
Line-Item (+/- button)
2. You can modify the quantity by either clicking on the line-item shown below:
3. Clicking either the +/- buttons.
Menu-Item Button
4. Or by simply clicking the menu item multiple times. Just make sure to check the quantity if it's correct.
5. When done, you may proceed with the transaction by clicking "PLACE ORDER".
You have successfully modified the quantity of the orders in your transaction.