This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to void a paid transaction on Mosaic POS. It includes details on accessing the settings, selecting the transaction to void, choosing a void reason, and obtaining authorization. It emphasizes the importance of an internet connection for syncing the voided transaction to the cloud. Following this guide will help users successfully void a paid transaction on Mosaic POS.
1. To start the process, go to Settings (gear icon).
2. Click "Bill"
3. Locate the paid transaction you're going to void. Then on the right side (under actions), click "Void".
4. Select the appropriate void reason.
5. Then, click "Void".
6. An authorization from the onsite manager/supervisor is required.
7. Once the approver enter his/her PIN code, click "Confirm"
8. Click "OK"
9. Click "Close"
10. Upon checking the status of the transaction we've just voided, you will notice that it has changed from "Paid" to "Void."
You have successfully voided a paid transaction.
Alert: An internet connection is required for this to by synced to the cloud. When it is fully synced, the cloud icon will change from yellow to green.